Discipline is given prime importance for the best results. Many points need to be followed to maintain environment for proper and effective study. Some rules and regulations are made for students as well as for staff. This discipline is making an environment better for study.
Extra Time
Although enough time is provided in Lab and Classes, yet in case of loss of studies due to inevitable conditions or contingencies or for some additional preparation for examination extra time can be allotted. At the most two extra labs or classes will be provided. A written permission must be taken from the academic head at least a day before by submitting an application stating the need.
Identity Card
The students are issued identity cards. They must bring it with them. Any time, they can be asked for and in case of failure to produce, students can be denied entry into Class or Lab or participation in other activities. Identity cards should be maintained neat and clean. In case of loss or defamation, new ones would be issued after submission of requisite fee and a written application stating the reason and assurance of no misuse of old or new one.
Code of Conduct
All the behavioral and other disciplines are mentioned in a printed code of conduct that is required to be signed by the student at the time of admission. The failure to abide by it can attract an action against the student.
Important Points
1. Students must wear their Identity Card in the campus.
2. Students must arrive at least 5 minutes before their batch time.
3. The career oriented curriculum is based on Lab-Theory pattern.
4. Students can take maximum 2 extra time in a weak.
5. Students should deposit their fee installment on time.
6. Fine of Rs. 10/- is charged from fee and I-Card defaulters. -
When we are no longer able to change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. Talent does what it can; genius does what it must.You cannot wait for inspiration. You have to go after it. Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.
The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today. Working with people is difficult, but not impossible.